15 Best Family Dog Breeds For a Young Family
Are you and your family ready to add a new member to your pack? Look no further! We’ve got the top 15 best…
Ethan Hays
If you are like many of us and have found yourself homeschooling or distance learning with your kids once again,…
Winter break is here and after Monday morning’s announcement, we know that we are in for a long winter with…
As the snow starts to fall and the temperature continues to drop, we’re already thinking about the amazing day-trips…
When family gatherings are cancelled or when grandparents and other relatives are far away, here are creative ways…
Fun games and online activities for kids and families for Hanukkah 2020, including menorah lighting, games and…
As the weather gets colder, people tend to stay inside more. In this challenging year, getting some fresh air and…
While the weather isn’t yet what we would call “frightful” we all know it is coming soon. And with the last…
It’s that time of year, folks! Halloween is upon us and if you aren’t already in the spooky spirit it’s time…
Residents of Toronto and much of the GTA have been advised by Ontario’s chief medical officer that they should…
Well, here we are. It was an interesting journey to get to the 2020-2021 school year, but we’ve done it! This…
Listen, there’s no shame in occupying kids with screens sometimes—especially now since COVID-19 has us…
Here are some of the best at-home learning and fun activities we’ve found that you can use while self-isolating…
As a parent, streaming services are right up there with diaper genies and the microwave when it comes to the inventions…
Nearly all of Ontario, apart from the Windsor area, has now moved to Stage 2. What does this mean in terms of how…
Camping is great—in theory. Spectacular scenery, fresh air, and lots of memory making with the family. But the…
Whether you are sending your kids to one of the few day camp options opening up for summer 2020, or you are keeping…
If you were worried about summer fun being entirely cancelled for 2020, things are looking up. On June 8, Ontario…
How often do you head to your streaming platform of choice, excited to find something to watch, only to get lost…
We’ve been under social distancing restrictions now for almost 10 weeks. And while we are getting used to our…
If we’re being honest with ourselves, this year might not be the year that we get to take our kids to all the…
It probably doesn’t come as a surprise to anyone that Ontario has extended school closures until May 31st. Most…
Kid-friendly games, recipes, crafts, and activities for Cinco de Mayo that are fun for the whole family.
We all need to get outside more than ever. With the self-isolation orders going into its sixth week, getting fresh…
As we head into the Easter weekend, your plans and preparation are probably looking a lot different than they did…
It’s not hard to get into a negative headspace with what we are all currently facing. As we all try our best…
In these days of social distancing, kids need – more than ever – to get outside, take in the fresh air, and…
We fell in love with this play dough at College Montrose Children’s Place. Try it for yourself using their secret…
This is your winter break survival guide! Keep the kids entertained for hours indoors at home, or find family fun…
From toddler-friendly paint projects to cool handmade jewelry, we’ve rounded up a dozen kid-made holiday gifts…
Boo! Halloween is full of thrills and chills, but for little ones, some gentler entertainment is called for. Head…
Family fun doesn’t get much better than apple picking—it’s one of our fave annual traditions. The…
There is so much to do in Ottawa that we had no trouble finding some awesome activities for you to do with your…
These amusement parks and water parks are home to Canada’s best thrill rides and water rides for kids and families….
Get outside this winter! These active day-trip and weekend getaway ideas are fun for the whole family. Top picks…
Occupying one of the most iconic buildings in Ottawa, the Canadian Museum of Nature remains a firm favourite among…
You could be forgiven for thinking that Saunders Farm, located just 10 minutes drive from Stittsville and 15 minutes…
Decades of research shows that high quality child care supports the cognitive, social, intellectual and language…
All kids love the choo-choos! Take your little train-lover on a tour of Toronto’s best railway attractions: 9 train…
Summertime is in full swing in the nation’s capital! Whether you need to keep your kids busy between camp and family…
As the nation’s capital, it’s not surprising that Ottawa has an abundance of festivals and special events throughout…
Being a parent is a costly business. Between diapers, daycare, and sports, our kids rack up a hefty bill in their…
If you are planning a unique birthday party outing, need PD day ideas, or are looking for activities to keep the…
Build your own fun kid-approved activity days in the capital this March break with some free or almost free things…
Ottawa is a family-friendly capital city with a huge selection of activities and attractions but let’s face…
As the snow continues to fall in the Ottawa area, the kids may be excited to grab their sleds, throw on their snow…
Once all the holiday festivities are over you can all be left feeling a little flat—and yet there are still 12…
A local Toronto mom shares her fave spots for kids in North Toronto. Toronto is a great city for kids. This is…
Going to the movies with your kids is a great activity. Most theatres are easy to access, there’s tasty food…
Stuck inside with nothing to do? Keep the kids busy and get creative juices flowing with these 25 fun crafts for…
As the summer heats up, you and your kiddies need to know what will be playing in the air-conditioned theatres….
With class back in session, your kiddies will want to know what will be playing in theatres as a distraction from…
Before back-to-school, get out and do those summery things you’ve been putting off! Here are seven must-do summer…
Picture this: you drink a latte while your child plays happily within view. This is the genius of kid cafés. Check…
We believe summer should be a time of fun, excitement, and exploration for children of all ages. To that end, here…
If you love Star Wars, and your kids are developing their own obsession for the much-loved epic space opera, here…
Camping is a time for children to use their imaginations and stretch their brains. So here are some great ideas…
Giving back, family style! Teach your kids about gratitude and social responsibility by getting involved in volunteering…
Oscar season is here again, so you need to get caught up on the best movies from the past year! Grab the kids and…
Implementing even one of these ten great strategies will allow you to have more time to spend with the people you…