10 Cute School Lunch Box Surprises for Kids
Well, here we are. It was an interesting journey to get to the 2020-2021 school year, but we’ve done it! This…
Editor’s Note: With kids at home for every meal and snack of every day, now is a great time to get your kids…
What’s the most dreaded task of the day? If you said “making dinner” you’re not alone. The pressure of…
An ounce of preparation = (several) pounds of home cooked food: How to prep and freeze healthy homemade food.
Fruits, frozen desserts, and ice pops are all great ways to keep fluid intake adequate while staying cool. Here…
Making recipes and festive food for Valentine’s Day can be as simple as cutting everything out with a heart shaped…
Facing the weekday frenzy and looking ahead to another week filled with dance, gymnastics, hockey, swimming lessons,…
In making these cookies, our kidlets will get some basic cooking (and math too!) experience making their own icing…
We’re always looking for healthy, quick weeknight dinner inspiration. Here are 3 fabulous recipes from Real Food…
Citrus fruits from down south are at their peak during the coldest months of the year. Here are some great kid-friendly…
Camping food isn’t all about instant soups, freeze-dried ice cream, beef jerky, and trail mix. You can still…
We all know the benefits of fibre right? Beans for dinner tonight means a clean ‘system’ tomorrow! A little…
Canadians consume 12 to 13 teaspoons of sugar every day, making 11% of our total calorie intake. Try one of these…
Want to make a better burger? Looking for a healthier option or something more exciting than the plain old hamburger…
When you think calcium for your kids, do you immediately think milk? You may be surprised to learn that cup of…
Most “fast” dinner recipes still take too long for busy parents. These easy meals can be made in 10 to 20 minutes…
Now that school is in, Deb Lowther is back, promising another great year of helpful and healthy family articles….
It’s that time of year! Take advantage of all the fresh and canned pumpkin available in these 11 delicious and…
So you’ve found the perfect Minecraft lunch-box that also meets the school requirements for a litterless lunch….
Expert tips on how to create healthy eating habits in kids.
As you send your child off to school, you’ve got 101 things to think about. Just one of those is school lunches….
Are mealtimes stressful? Do you have a “picky” eater? Here are five simple and evidence-based tips for making mealtimes…
A handy back-to-school checklist of 39 healthy lunch and snack items to have on hand this school year.
According to studies, kids who help out in the kitchen are healthier eaters. Plus, you get to spend some quality…
Berry season is in full swing in summer across Canada and blueberries are a favourite of kids and adults alike….
Tired of sandwiches? Or does your child claim to hate them? (Who hates sandwiches??) We’ve got some solutions:…
Tired of packing school lunches? Don’t do it—have the kids make their own! Try this and our other insider tips…
Make your Thanksgiving a happy and healthy one with holiday side dishes and not-too-unhealthy desserts that appeal…
Bob Greene, founder of theBestLife.com, says “The fall harvest offers you the chance to add healthy new foods…
This delicious take on the traditional “eggplant parm” – a staple of red-sauce Italian joints – will be a revelation….
As back to school looms nearer and nearer in our hearts, minds and on our calendars, we are searching for simple…
Back to school means busy nights and even busier mornings. That’s why we like to always have a good “trick” recipe…
Back to school means busy nights and even busier mornings. That’s why we like to always have a good “trick” recipe…
The Ontario Minstry of Health teamed up with Lydia Knorr, a registered dietician with over two decades experience,…
School lunches and snacks are a major source of the essential vitamins kids need to grow and develop. The foods…
Anyone can cook with Dinnerit. Their mission is to get more households to eat healthy and enjoy home-cooking…and…
Every year as the holidays approach you promise yourself you won’t indulge at the family dinner and end up in…
What makes Fresh Canteen different from the rest is that grocery selection is done by choosing meals rather than…
It’s a hot summer day in the city and if you have kids you know that about 30 seconds after they run out into…
It’s a hot summer day in the city and if you have kids you know that about 30 seconds after they run out into…
We could all use these time-saving tips, but for parents, they’re lifesavers! Here are 30 ways to hack your family…
Wish your kids would eat more vegetables? Try these kid-friendly recipes using spring vegetables (and one fruit)…
As you send your child off to school, you’ve got 101 things to think about. Just one of those is school lunches….
Whether it’s your recommended prenatal multivitamin with folic acid or a protein powder in your fitness shake,…
Giving your child a leg up the old fashioned way- by Richard Verlaan Parents these days it seems are all looking…
What colours do you put into your shopping cart? Are they “real” colours?
In the kitchen and on plate, everything…
Hold ’em off till dinnertime with these 15 healthy last-minute snacks for kids: quick and easy treats for after…