Kids Training – How much is TOO much?
We want our kids to succeed, but at what cost? Here are some tips for making sure they thrive in their field instead…
Raising kids in a city can feel like operating in a different universe from parents in other places and Toronto…
It may have taken his whole life, but this week’s Daddy Blogger candidate, Brett, has finally advanced to the ranks…
Summer vacation is finally here, there’s a heat wave in most of the country and the Stanley Cup playoffs are…
Tracie learns a valuable lesson about how being a parent means that sometimes, being there for her kids is all…
Breastfeeding is such a tough topic—always has been and I am pretty sure always will be. Let me start out by…
Looking for a gluten-free, sugar-free brownie recipe that is also kid-friendly? Look no more! This kid-tested recipe…
Our Dad Blogger, Brett hates to sound like his parents, but things really were different when he was a kid. It…
Katja Wulfers shares her anxiety (in her hilarious way) about her her son growing up before her eyes. “My son is…
This isn’t your first rodeo—and it shows! You’ve likely got less time, more obligations, and some unexpected…
In this over-scheduled world, doing less really can be best. Don’t overwhelm yourself and your kids with events….
Emma Thompson says moms should take time off. Internet explodes. Shannon weighs in on why having it all sounds…
A common misconception is that work and play are two separate states. To the contrary, there is evidence that learning…
One and done: it sounds so smart. But what about the joy of siblings? Kids having each other? Spreading the love…
Having a winter baby? As she gears up for her second baby in January, Shannon shares all the things she wishes…
As new parent there are numerous purchases to prepare for that bundle of joy. There are simple ways to cut the…
As summer approaches, the panic sets in to fit into your swimsuit, beach clothes, or little black dress. Here are…
How one mom potty-trained her child in just three days. And you can too! (Probably. Maybe. Well, just try it and…
Forget useless advice like “stock up on sleep”! Here are 10 things you need to do now, while pregnant, and before…
Many people go through this, but not many talk about it: how to keep things hot after a baby. Monika Tournaud shares…
Making a piñata is easier than you think! Check out this step-by-step tutorial to make your own. Even kids can…
A year ago, Sarah Robertson and her family found themselves without a home at Christmastime. Now, a year later,…
Learn how to make homemade sprinkles — tasty and easy to do!
The other night I had the opportunity to bring my children to the launch of the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation…
As parents, we want our children to be successful. But, where do we draw the line? How can we effectively help…
As this school year comes to an end, read this brave ten year old’s story about starting a new school, feeling…
Hello, my name is Jennifer and I’m a bit of a sh!t disturber.
Yep, I’ll admit it here, in writing to you (but…
The Cranberry Bliss Bar is now one of my favourites. Sweet, tart, delicious; a hybrid of a cookie and a cake, with…
Our Dad Blogger, Brett Hughes wonders when did parenting — or even simply observing parenting — become so ideological…
Our Dad Blogger, Brett Hughes wonders when did parenting — or even simply observing parenting — become so ideological…
Before I became a mother there were things I never thought I would ever have to say to another person. I think…
Do you have things on your bucket list that you didn’t even conceive of putting on the actual list? Well, a couple…
Does your family put together a summer bucket list? Deb’s does…and she’s sharing her ideas with you to help get…
Fresh off a few days camping with the family, our Dad Blogger, Brett finds it hard not to draw upon quite a few…
Our Daddy Blogger, Brett Hughes gives us his favourite memories of The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair…and really…
Deb tried and tried to find an exercise for her 8 year old son and came up empty because he’s not really a team…
Deb is happy to be home for the holidays..and has a schedule full of things to do!
Do you remember going to dances in high school? Wondering what to wear, dancing akwardly with your friends, worried…
Do you feel like the holidays are a distant memory? Deb is trying these 5 things to help her keep the holiday feeling…
Deb wonders how to manage the many large toys her kids have collected over time… and now store on the floor!
We all know that camp is a convenient way to keep our kids busy for the summer (and school holidays.) But did you…
Easing back int the workplace after a year of maternity leave takes some adjustment and some precise skills. Shannon…
Being a new parent is hard enough. Don’t make the mistake of overcomplicating it.
Naming a baby is no small matter. How months of disagreements and waiting until the last possible moment actually…
Is it okay to lie to kids about Santa? Or to use him to keep kids from being naughty? And is it fair that Santa…
It can be so rewarding to watch your child make a new friend. Unfortunately, there is a downside to having a new…
We want our kids to succeed, but at what cost? Here are some tips for making sure they thrive in their field instead…
I wish I had a snow suit…so my knees wouldn’t freeze on my way to work.
I was so good at planning all of July for my kids, but now it’s August and although summer is half over there…
There continues to be a lot of talk about how to balance work and life and all of your seemingly never-ending obligations….
Tracie has never been one for yoga, but a new service that allows her to do it from the comfort of her home with…
My oldest is in sixth grade and one day a couple of weeks ago I showed up at school to pick her up and she said:…
Tracie had never been to The Royal Winter Fair before this year…she isn’t really a farm person, so she didn’t…
Tracie might be a know-it-all when it comes to planning birthday parties, but even she gets excited when something…
I have always been a little bit nervous about raising a girl. Don’t get me wrong – I was over the moon when I…
As a mother and a small business owner I have discovered that I rely an inordinate amount on the people I work…
I’ve just undertaken one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. No, it’s not giving birth. In fact, it doesn’t anything…
Some people keep the best finds to themselves (like cool find hoarders). Not me. I LOVE telling people about new…
As an experienced lunch-packing mom, Tracie has some awesome tips and tricks for making your job easier and ensuring…
Tracie learns a valuable lesson about how being a parent means that sometimes, being there for her kids is all…