Get Moving Indoors: 10 Exercise Apps & Sites for Kids
While the weather is starting to improve, we’re still experiencing so pretty chilly temperatures for the month…
While the weather is starting to improve, we’re still experiencing so pretty chilly temperatures for the month…
In the midst of concerns about COVID-19, a day home with the kids doesn’t mean what it did a few weeks ago….
With colder weather comes the challenge of how to keep our kids active. Here are 9 ideas for getting kids moving…
Ready, set, downward-facing dog! Yoga benefits kids in so many ways: here are eight advantages to practicing yoga…
Kids love to clown around, so why not channel their silliness through circus? Five reasons to consider this fun,…
Resolutions are on everyone’s mind right now. Did you make any? Are you having difficulty keeping them? Deb Lowther…
It’s never too late for your child to learn to swim, but there are benefits to starting at an early age. Here are…
If you think your child may have ADHD, or Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, there are important first steps…
Should your little athlete take a break from their sport? This is a question so many parents ask themselves as…
Does your child dream of becoming an elite athlete? How can you recognize that your child has what it takes to…
One of the greatest ways to appreciate the great Canadian outdoors as a family is by going for a hike or wilderness…
Biking can be a fun and healthy family activity—if you’re prepared. Be sure you know the laws and follow these…
Safer Hockey in Canada is an organization formed by concerned parents. They are petitioning Hockey Canada to remove…
Ten things you may not know about concussions and body checking in Minor Hockey in Canada.
For a first-time runner even 1km can seem daunting, but rest assured, by keeping the following training tips in…
Physical literacy isn’t just about sports, it’s about giving children and youth the opportunity to succeed…
If your kids are inspired by the Olympics, now’s the time to get them to think about eating like an athlete……
Trying to get physically unmotivated children to exercise can be a real challenge. Here are nine tips for inspiring…
As hockey season approaches, some expert tips on how to find the best hockey equipment for kids in terms of safety,…
Why walk? Well…there are loads of reasons. And loads of places to do it. In Toronto, Ottawa, Calgary and Vancouver…
We love hockey, and like most die-hard hockey players, we’ve suffered our fair share of injuries over the…
Whether it’s as simple as setting up a sprinkler or kiddie pool in your yard or taking them to a splash pad or…
Well it’s quite obvious that in order to get back in shape and lose the baby weight, there will need to be some…
Only 5 per cent of Canadian children and youth get enough daily physical activity. RBC aims to change that with…
Samantha Montpetit-Huynh (Core Expectations) talks about the “what-ifs”, “not-sures” and the “but-my-doctor-saids”…
You don’t need to be an Olympic cyclist to choose this two-wheeled sport. It’s great exercise and great, green….