17 Great Ways Kids Can Keep In Touch With Grandparents During COVID
When family gatherings are cancelled or when grandparents and other relatives are far away, here are creative ways…
Is your child afraid of the dentist? Make the next dental visit pain-free with these great tips for easing kids’…
Your family’s eye health is important. Check out this fun and informative infographic for eye care tips for the…
Masks are becoming a requirement in most municipalities across Ontario for anyone over the age of 2 or 3. Getting…
It’s not hard to get into a negative headspace with what we are all currently facing. As we all try our best…
How to care for your mental health and your kids during times of crisis is something we’ve all come face-to-face…
In these days of social distancing, kids need – more than ever – to get outside, take in the fresh air, and…
In the midst of concerns about COVID-19, a day home with the kids doesn’t mean what it did a few weeks ago….
If you’ve heard of psychoeducational assessments — also called simply educational assessments — you might…
For various reasons (most of which are myths and mistakes), many parents fear the flu shot. Dr. Janice Weiss is…
Contemplating the flu shot? Worried about the flu? We’ve got 10 facts to read before deciding what course of…
The most common cause of vomiting and diarrhea in children is acute gastroenteritis, commonly known as gastro or…
A child with a fever is one of the most common reasons for consulting a doctor. When is it an emergency? When should…
We love sweets, and in limited quantities, they are not going to kill us. But they can harm our teeth and our kids’…
You’ve got that cool new backpack for school, but have you reviewed your child’s immunization schedule? Up-to-date…
Moisturizers and Dry Skin Treatment for Kids
Are your kids getting all the calcium and other nutrients they need? Probably not, according to studies. Here are…
On his walk home from school, Tyler, an 8-year-old boy, slips on ice and hits the back of his head on the sidewalk….
We rounded up some great summer safety tips across a range of categories to review with the family.
A doctor of chiropractic explains how even healthy kids can benefit from chiropractic and outlines common childhood…
January 27th is dedicated to promoting the open discussion of issues facing those with mental illness, and helping…
Tried and tested ways to prevent and treat itchy, dry skin, from a mom who has tried everything! Safe tips for…
No tan is a healthy tan. Here are the straight facts about sun safety and skin cancer prevention…
Teaching kids to be sun smart is important – here are eight tips to keep in mind this summer to better protect…
Winter is coming but we’re ready for it with some great tips and products to battle winter skin issues.
Since July is National Cord Blood Awareness Month, we checked in with Dr. Clifford Librach, founder and director…
Have you ever wondered if hypnosis might be a good way to treat your child’s insecurities? Christine Nightengale…
For many families, September will see the return of a familiar but unwelcome visitor: head lice. There are a few…
Contemplating the flu shot? Worried about the flu? We’ve got 10 facts to read before deciding what course of…
Have an appointment with a medical specialist coming up? Worried that you won’t get all the information you need?…
What do you know about anaphylaxis? David Novak, a trusted health writer explains the causes, the risk factors,…
It’s time to get our skin care regime under control once again so we went to an expert: Bill Baker, President and…
Wireless radiation is a real risk to you and your children says the C4ST. What can you do to reduce your exposure?…
If your children are prone to motion sickness on car trips, these 10 tips for preventing and treating nausea can…
Are your kids getting all the calcium and other nutrients they need? Probably not, according to studies. Here are…
Are your kids getting all the calcium and other nutrients they need? Probably not, according to studies. Here are…
Make your child’s next visit to the dentist pain-free with these 7 tips for easing kids’ fears, from a paediatric…
Chances are, you have have some mistaken beliefs about your children’s teeth. A paediatric dentist dispels common…
When should you first take your child to the dentist? What can you and they expect? And how can you get your toddler…
Our nutritional needs change as we mature; Deb Lowther (from Iron Kids & Adult Gummies) is here to tell…
The pressure to raise a family can be enormous, and the thought of not being able to have children can make many…
With warm weather, your family is getting back outside and with that comes…bumps and bruises. Here are five items…
Many women deal with infertility, miscarriage or difficulty conceiving. If you want to try a natural route to addressing…