Do you love Valentine’s Day? Do your kids love it? Are they having a Valentine’s Day party at school? Are you planning on a Valentine’s Day theme at home for dinner or even just for dessert?
We love the big V-Day holiday a lot (who doesn’t love a day filled with love and chocolate?), so it was no difficult task for us to gather up our fave Valentine’s Day ideas from Pinterest and share them with you.
Button Covers
The first pin that caught our eye were the super-simple, take five extra minutes to make the morning of button “covers”. From the queen of DIY herself, Martha Stewart, these simple felt hearts would brighten up any child’s shirt for a V-Day party (we’re also thinking balloons or stars could make an appearance for birthday parties or holiday gatherings).
Chocolate Dipped Oreos
Next up, something edible (of course!). These (couldn’t be easier) white chocolate dipped Oreos (we bought the organic kind) are the bomb for our wee one’s class party this year. You could use any kind of cookie (if your child has a favourite one, go for it), but the colour combo of dark brown and pink on these ones is so kidlet V-Day chic.
Simple DIY Valentine
Whether you need a craft for a group of V-Day partiers or something for your own wee ones to make for their classmates, this simple (candy-free) card is perfect…and carries such a sweet sentiment.
Lunchable Loveables
If you want to carry the V-Day theme through to your child’s lunch (or even your significant other’s lunch!), cutting a sandwich into the shape of a heart is an adorable and easy way to remind them that you love them.
Hot for Teacher
Don’t forget teachers on this day of love, they need a little adoration, too! These wee s’more packets are perfect for someone who touches your child’s heart and mind on a regular basis.
Colourful Hearts
A great craft to do with the kids, maybe even something they can give to their friends as a small gift on Valentine’s Day, are these heart-shaped crayons. Made from old pieces of broken or almost used up crayons they’re a great recycling project!
Friendship Bracelets
Kids of a certain age love friendship bracelets, and this craft-and-card in one is a great one for them to share with their most special friends.
Simple Stamps
Who would think that a simple toilet paper or paper towel tube could make such an awesome heart stamp? We think this is a great way to create wrapping paper, or to decorate paper bags for keeping Valentine’s cards in.
Heart-Felt Art
A great craft for a V-Day party, this original hand print art is simple but beautiful. Who wouldn’t want a card with their child’s wee handprints on it?
Heart Shaped Fruit
We couldn’t resist making wee heart shaped fruit (and biscuits and cookies and cakes) for our kids class this year. Honestly, what doesn’t taste amazing when it’s in the shape of a heart…?
Do you have a favourite Valentine’s Day craft or party inspiration that you found on Pinterest? Share it with us! And don’t forget to visit our Pinterest page to see what we’ve pinned in our Winter Crafts and Crafty Kids boards for other ideas and inspiration.