Last week in the office we were discussing the existence of the Easter Bunny. Is it really like the movie Hop, where he actually poops jelly beans? Is he like Santa, traveling the globe in one night leaving chocolates and candies for children?
Everyone agreed that a bunny bearing chocolates is okay in their books, but we started to wonder what our readers thought? Does the Easter Bunny visit their houses each year? And if he does, what does he bring with him to leave behind for the kidlets?
Well, we asked and you answered. On Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and by email. Here’s what you had to say:
Amanda Goetz “Easter bunny visits our house. Hides some eggs to find and brings each kid a basket with fun new outdoor toys like sidewalk chalk, skipping ropes, balls, a kite, etc… Just in time for spring outdoor playtime!”
Nadia Frost “We always go out for Brunch on Easter Sunday and we make sure the Easter bunny is there! My first born was quite scared of it on our first Easter brunch, but now they all love it and they can all pose for pictures!”
Suzanne Stanley Skimming “This year, watched Hop then a bunny was visiting outside our house; we explained he was making visits and reporting back to the head easter bunny followed by dropped jelly beans in our driveway found by our son the next day!”
Patricia Hendricks “Does anyone tell the real truth about Easter…….which has nothing to do with a Bunny…..but it’s nice for the little people to have a little something to look forward to after the real story of what took place……….Happy Easter everyone!”
Jennifer Hamilton “He definitely comes to my house. I love hiding candy and the fun of looking for it the next day is something Leith talks about for weeks afterwards. Besides, what else is there to do on a holiday Sunday morning….?”
Holly Pavlika “He used to. I used to hide chocolate eggs and things around the house.”
Maranda Carvell “We don’t teach the kids that holiday myths the like Easter Bunny and Santa are literally true, we’re all about the spirit of the holiday. We take great pleasure in hiding chocolate and a couple of spring toys for them to find. I have two little kids and two big kids, so give each group a “territory” to keep it fun and fair for the little ones.”
Holly Pavlika “My kids are big and I still send them an Easter present just for the spirit of things. I’ve always wanted a giant chocolate bunny myself. Solid, not hollow. I guess I’ll have to buy it myself. :)”
Jenn Wallage “At our house, he brings rubber boots and underwear…. always. No candy/chocolate. That’s from the bunny that stops at the Grandparents homes!!”
Lorra Easterbrook-Deasy “He will leave a trail of those foil covered eggs for the kids to find all over the house and if the Easter Bunny wants to venture outside during the night, then outside too, but if too cold, it will just be around the house. Each kid has their own colour to alleviate fighting (how the easter bunny picks which colour goes to each kid is beyond me….he’s so smart!) and then at the end of the trail is a little gift, clothing for the older two and a toy for the younger one. We also have a huge street easter egg hunt where each house will hide their own eggs on their property and this kids go house to house and at the end, we try to divide it up properly so the little kids get enough…this is where they cash in on the chocolate and other treats….”
Maureen Turner Rasmussen “Oh he visits alright! Eggs everywhere! Also a few bigger treats too. Mom and Dad give easter clothes because we aren’t as fun as that bunny.”
Tracey Rossignol “The bunny brings goodies for the baskets we leave out. He brings a few chocolates, and a book or toy. For the Easter egg hunt, there are a couple of chocolate eggs, but then the rest are the re-usable ones that get collected and traded in for a book, pen or fun toothbrush.”
Julia Nathanson “I am still in denial that I have to celebrate this pastel holiday.”
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