Music Classes and the Mozart Effect

I have recently signed my kids up for piano lessons. Although they are 6 and 4 (two 4 year olds as I have twins) and my 4 year old twins can barely get their little fingers to play each key one at a time, I thought the research was compelling enough to give it a go. What is the research? Well, there is a good deal of it, too much even for me to read! (There is also some good research on this topic out of Canada, surprising given how little our public system invests in music!)

I have recently signed my kids up for piano lessons. Although they are 6 and 4 (two 4 year olds as I have twins) and my 4 year old twins can barely get their little fingers to play each key one at a time, I thought the research was compelling enough to give it a go.

What is the research? Well, there is a good deal of it, too much even for me to read! (There is also some good research on this topic out of Canada, surprising given how little our public system invests in music!) But, here are some quick summary points for you to consider:

  • Kids of all ages who learn music do better in school and on standardised tests – even pre-schoolers!
  • Music study seems to help particularly with maths and sciences, as well as general memory skills that are correlated with non-musical abilities such as literacy, verbal memory, visiospatial processing, mathematics and IQ.
  • Some tests have even shown people who play music are happier.
  • Final point… if your teen is listening to rap or heavy metal, there seems to be a correlation with poor grades and behavioural problems – beware!!

On a personal note, I got tears in my eyes when my 6 year old, after his first half hour lesson, played “twinkle twinkle little star” for me. He is an active boy, often fidgety and distracted, but he loves his piano lessons, and is so proud of his ability to play music. I’ve got to believe that is good for his self-esteem and happiness. What mother wouldn’t want that?

For music classes see our listings here.

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