Well, the truth of the matter is; it is rude not to RSVP.
As most parents know, a lot of preparation goes into a birthday party. If the party is in a private home, there may be plenty of room for that extra child who shows up that didn’t RSVP, but you may not have prepared enough food or enough loot bags. The problem is that it would be hurtful to turn the child whose parents didn’t RSVP away at the door. It is not the child’s fault. Just in case, it is always a good idea to have a bit extra, including an extra loot bag for those that may not have responded.
Always remember to put an RSVP date on the invitation to encourage parents to RSVP well in advance.
Another problem is when a child shows up for the party with his or her uninvited sibling. In this case, you may want to take the parent aside, and simply say that you are very sorry but have only prepared for the guests that received invitations. You do not want to make their child feel bad by turning them away, so they are welcome to stay, but you don’t have an extra loot bag for them. This at least sends a message to the parent that in future it is in their best interest to RSVP.
Quite often, the party is in a playground or at an event where you have to pre-pay for the children attending the party. In this example, you would have to change your response and say to the parent, if your son or daughter would like to stay, you can ask the venue if it is possible. If there is a cost associated, you could simply let them know the cost as well, if budget was an issue. There’s nothing wrong in doing this, as the sibling was not originally invited. It is important though to not make the uninvited child feel bad, as once again it is not their fault.
The best time to RSVP is right when you receive the invitation. Simply email or call, then mark it on the calendar. if you wait, it is more likely you will forget.
Next time you get an invitation for your children or for yourself, PLEASE RSVP.
Princess Parties Plus has expanded service throughout the GTA and offer a variety of party themes and are proudly entering their 12th successful year of business. Princess Parties Plus provides a memorable experience that is highly energetic and fun, interactive, safe and hassle free. They can come to you, whether it’s your home, a recreation centre, an indoor playground, a school, daycare, or a corporate event, and there is no mess to clean up!
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