Preparing Kids For In-Person School During COVID
September is just around the corner. And while most school boards across Ontario have delayed start days to as…
As we move into Stage 3 in Toronto on July 31st, it’s important to know what this means for you and your family….
Masks are becoming a requirement in most municipalities across Ontario for anyone over the age of 2 or 3. Getting…
It’s not hard to get into a negative headspace with what we are all currently facing. As we all try our best…
How to care for your mental health and your kids during times of crisis is something we’ve all come face-to-face…
In the midst of concerns about COVID-19, a day home with the kids doesn’t mean what it did a few weeks ago….
If you’ve heard of psychoeducational assessments — also called simply educational assessments — you might…
For various reasons (most of which are myths and mistakes), many parents fear the flu shot. Dr. Janice Weiss is…
We love sweets, and in limited quantities, they are not going to kill us. But they can harm our teeth and our kids’…
Concussion has received an extensive amount of media coverage as of late. On one hand it is positive that such…