Playing With Fire

Candles are often an overlooked cause of poor indoor air quality and can affect our health. Paraffin candles are unfortunately the predominant ones on our shelves. Why? (argh!) Paraffin is very inexpensive – it’s basically the final byproduct in the petroleum refining chain…petroleum sludge, if you will. When paraffin candles are burned, they spew toxins and soot that is harmful to our health (think second-hand tobacco smoke). Many of these conventional candles also have wicks with metal cores that contain lead. Why would you want that in your birthday cake as everyone important to you gathers around with healthy wishes for the guest of honour?

Candles are often an overlooked cause of poor indoor air quality and can affect our health. Paraffin candles are unfortunately the predominant ones on our shelves. Why? (argh!) Paraffin is very inexpensive – it’s basically the final byproduct in the petroleum refining chain…petroleum sludge, if you will. When paraffin candles are burned, they spew toxins and soot that is harmful to our health (think second-hand tobacco smoke). Many of these conventional candles also have wicks with metal cores that contain lead. Why would you want that in your birthday cake as everyone important to you gathers around with healthy wishes for the guest of honour?

When we buy and burn chemical candles, we are harming ourselves and our world. When we make better choices and buy, for example, beeswax candles, we support beekeepers and bees, and, we help save the world. Pretty simple. Beeswax candles leave your air fresher and cleaner – they are a true air purifier and they are the only candle for those with chemical sensitivities or allergies. Also, make sure to select 100% pure beeswax. (candles can be labeled as beeswax candles even with only 10% beeswax and many are blended with cheap paraffin to cut costs).

Beeswax may be more expensive, but they have a much slower burn rate, so you’ll be able to use them over and over again.

Light, burn safely, blow out. And repeat often.

Celebrate happily and in good health, for you and the world.


About the Author:

Lisa Borden, owner of Borden Communications (, takes a unique approach to holistically marketing eco-intelligent living and working. Some of her favourite titles (from a long list – include: Catalyst for Change, Enthusiastic Philanthropist, Inspiration Agent, Strategist + Catalyst, Mother of 3 and Wannabe Organic Farmer. 

If you ask around, many would tell you that she Lisa has a big mouth. Many would tell you that she’s “real” and tells it like it is. Others will share that she is their most trusted advisor and ally. She’s self declared that she’s not “normal”, but few people who make lasting impressions are conventional. Lisa looks forward everyday to challenging people’s thinking, and starting dialogues that will result in success, and us making this world a better place together.


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