Favourite baby food recipes

Baby and Pregnancy
I have two beautiful girls and one bundle of joy on the way, and I have made homemade baby food for both children and plan to do the same for the third. Thank goodness they took to the food no problem.

 I have two beautiful girls and one bundle of joy on the way, and I have made homemade baby food for both children and plan to do the same for the third. Thank goodness they took to the food no problem.

I always started with a big pot of boiling water. I would buy different types of lean meats each time, from boneless skinless chicken breast, turkey breast, lean ground lamb, and grain-fed veal, all organic, steroid-free, and pesticide-free meats. (Usually from a butcher shop, rather than a supermarket, where it is prepackaged.)

In the pot of water, I place my choice of meat for that week. Once the water comes to a rolling boil, the fat from the meat will surface to the top. I carefully remove that with a small handheld strainer. I then add all my vegetables: peeled carrots, peeled potato (at times I would substitute the potato with yams), washed celery, whole tomato, fresh parsley, and half an onion (just for taste; remove before blending). You can add whatever other vegetable you would like. Let that cook for about one or two hours.
Once it is cooked, I get my blender ready. In the blender, I throw in a piece of meat, a piece of each vegetable, and some broth. I then blend it all together until it reaches a nice creamy consistency (you can add broth as you go along). Next, I pour it into ice cube trays and freeze it. When the cubes are frozen, you can simply dump them into a zip-lock bag and take them out as you need them: one, two, or three cubes, depending on your child’s appetite. They are also great for outings. Put a few cubes in a small Tupperware container and away you go!
I would make two or three batches of this with different varieties of meats and freeze them; this way my child would not be eating the same thing everyday. Who doesn’t get bored of chicken everyday or veal everyday? If you have a variety baby food in your freezer, your baby will not get bored.

– submitted by: M.B., mom of two girls, aged five and three years, and four months pregnant with number three

Many companies specialize in Nutrition for Kids. They offer both classes in preparing yoru own baby food or  frozen home made baby food. Delicious and convenient.

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