Birthday Party Blues

Whenever I have to plan one of my kids' birthday parties, I break out in hives. I don’t know what it is, but I find putting a kid’s party together quite stressful. Please tell me I’m not alone…

Birthday Party

Even with our relatively small family, we still have a child’s birthday party to throw together every six months (poor planning on my part, I know.) Every six months, like clockwork, when birthday planning time comes around, I break out in hives. I don’t know what it is but I find putting a kid’s party together quite stressful.


Please tell me I’m not alone…


Recently, my oldest has decided she doesn’t want a party, a gift or any celebration at all. I find myself worried. Is something wrong? I know she has friends and she is invited to a lot of parties, but what kid doesn’t want a present? So call me crazy, now I’m worried about NOT having to organize a birthday party.

My youngest still loves presents and parties, but last year he decided to forgo gifts from his friends, having them donate to a chosen charity instead. We still had to plan the party and host 30 kids, but at least he only received a few presents (bought by family).


Jennifer recently told me that her son wanted to have his party at the exact same place he had it last year, but she wasn’t sure she should do that. Hey, I’m all for conveniences so I say go for it! Whatever makes your life easier.


Whatever you or your child decides, we know it’s a lot of work on top of the million other things you have to execute on a regular basis. So, here are a few tips to make planning the party a little bit simpler:


  1. Look for a party place that can do everything; some have loot bags, can order food and organize an activity.
  2. Loot bags — the simpler the better and never over $10. I personally don’t like candy in loot bags and I’m a big fan of books or crafts.
  3. Sometimes it helps to let a sibling invite one friend to play with just to keep them busy!
  4. Cupcakes versus one big cake can be easier for the kids and less messy to clean up. Many cake companies will make them and still customize them if you want.
  5. Try and remember that kids just want a place to play and have fun. Don’t get stressed if you can help it. Just give them a place to run around!

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