Over the years, we’ve learned how to survive the damage winter can do to our skin—and our wee one’s skin too! Here are some of our favourite tips and products.
Central heating systems (as well as space heaters) blast hot dry air throughout our homes and offices. This air dries out our whole body and it needs to be moisturized. Add a small humidifier to each bedroom to get more moisture in the air, which helps prevent your skin from drying out.
Cool-mist humidifiers are less expensive than warm-mist humidifiers and prevent any potential burning from hot water, but they are more easily contaminated with mould, so it’s important to change the water daily and clean the humidifier thoroughly every few days with vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, and/or bleach solution.
Coconut Oil
There’s almost no product you can “safely” apply to a brand-new babe. We love coconut oil for its ability to heal and nourish problem skin (great for moms, too!) and because it smells heavenly. Try it on dry scalp and dry hair, too. Available at grocery stores and health stores.
Extra-Rich (Non-Greasy) Cream
Kids and parents alike often forget to put gloves on before they head outside. The skin on the back of our hands is thin and cold weather can cause it to dry and crack. Make sure everyone wears gloves or mittens and slather on a dollop of this non-greasy cream just before you kick them out the door (in mittens!) every morning. Earth’s Best Extra Rich Therapy Creme, $12. Available at well.ca.
Lip Balm
Chapped lips are extremely common in our house during cold winter months. We make sure everyone in the house has a good lip balm to help keep lips soft, healthy, and moist. We love all-natural Badger lip balms for protection during the harsh months. Badger lip balm, from $3.75 at health stores.
Sun Damage
We don’t stop applying sunscreen in the fall, we just use a slightly lower SPF during the winter. If our kidlets are going to be outside for a field trip we make sure to apply a good slathering in the morning and pack a hat with a peak, even if it’s freezing outside. We love that this broad spectrum, chemical free SPF 30+ sunscreen is made without irritating chemicals, phthalates, parabens, or fragrance.
Dr. Robin® for Kids All Natural Chemical-free Sunscreen SPF 30+, Available at sessabeldispensary.com.
Travel Necessities
For those travelling south this winter, don’t forget your regimen of moisturizing and sunscreen while you’re away. Your skin may be extra sensitive from the cold weather here when it finally gets to the warm weather down there, so don’t forget to pack vitamin e and lip protection.
Vitamin E Skin Care Starter Kit, $25.00. Available at thebodyshop.ca.
Image of child: Ernst Vikne/flickr