Five Recreational Activities to Share with your Tweenager on the Autism Spectrum

Special Needs
As parents we're always running our kids to one appointment or another. Between school, therapy appointments and programs, there doesn't seem to be many activities we can co-experience on an even playing field. Many kids on the autism spectrum don't seem to get enough time for recreational activities in general. Here are five things to try with your son or daughter that just might shake things up a little

As parents we’re always running our kids to one appointment or another. Between school, therapy appointments and programs, there doesn’t seem to be many activities we can co-experience on an even playing field.  Many kids on the autism spectrum don’t seem to get enough time for recreational activities in general.  Here are five things to try with your son or daughter that just might shake things up a little:

Take A Ride:

We’re forever carting our kids around in our cars.  There are so many patterns of behavior that that go along with this.  Why not ditch the steering wheel and take a ride together? The steady movement can be really regulating and it gives a great opportunity for communication because there is so much visual stimulation to use as a springboard to spark verbal or non-verbal communication.


Drum circles may be a little new to some of us, but they are one of the most ancient forms of communication.  Big African drums can be an incredibly regulating experience and participating in a drum circle together can really get those endorphins flowing.  


Many of us struggle to get food on the table after a long day of work and parenting.  Sometimes slowing down the process can offer an incredible opportunity for creativity and connection.  If your child has sensory issues surrounding food, cooking together can be a great way to get your child’s system to begin to consume food in other ways by touching it, smelling, and even seeing it in its original form.  

Take An Interest In Their Special Interest:

Does your son or daughter have a special interest?  Oftentimes kids on the spectrum use their special interest as a way to decompress in solitude, but sometimes, they may let us in to explore it with them.  It’s nice for our kids to be the expert for once!

Do What You Love:

Having a special needs child doesn’t always give parents a chance to have needs of their own.  But the truth is, when we’re doing something we love, we are calm, regulated, and available to connect with our kids.  So what do you love to do?  What is that thing that opens you up and gets your own endorphins flowing? Yoga? Scrabble? Surfing?  What can you share with your son or daughter that speaks to who you are or what your perspective might be?

Even the smallest connected moments are the seeds by which everything else grows.  Rethinking the way we interact with our kids as they grow older is both exciting and a challenge so work in small blocks of time with manageable goals.  Think outside the box and allow yourself to have needs too.  Your son or daughter will see you in a whole new light.


About the author:

Sara Winter is a classroom aide to kids with autism and the founder of a new social platform for kids on the autism spectrum to connect with one another. Sara lives in Toronto with her husband and two young sons.

Twitter: @squagdotcom


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