Teach Our Kids That Nature Will Nurture


Summer is coming, and the outdoors will soon be beckoning. Will your kids spend the summer outside or inside…?

Many kidlets today think that life is lived in front of a tv, or computer, or at the very least, with a tablet in their hands. So many children don’t know very much about navigating nature: they have never contemplated a canoe or challenged themselves to climb a mountain or roll down a hill. They spend most of the school year indoors, their challenges limited to the book or task in front of them.

We think it’s time for a change.

And for that, we’ll send them to Outward Bound Canada, to join in on an expedition that will be more than just canoeing, kayaking and mountaineering, it will be an adventure in the classic sense of the word. And they’ll learn. Learn about themselves, about others, about the environment, and most of all, about their potential.

We want the wilderness will be their classroom this summer. We hope that the lakes, rivers, forests, mountains, and oceans will provide them with challenges they’ve never contemplated.

With so many options to choose from (a summer urban adventure day camp, a summer urban discovery high school credit course and an all-year round Canadian Wilderness Program) we think there is definitely something for every child, of every age.

Outward Bound Canada has our backs in ensuring that our kids don’t grow up thinking that plants are only good for fighting off zombies.

Outward Bound Canada
550 Bayview Ave., Suite 404, Toronto
Phone: 1.888.OUTWARD (688.9273)

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