One Loot Bag Can Change the World


When it comes to loot bags, we fear we’re in a lose-lose situation.

After hosting our fair share of birthday parties, we’ve realized that loot bags are a dying breed — kids don’t like what’s in them most of the time (lose #1) and they seem to be a waste (lose #2). Seeing this, we started searching for an alternative, and since we’re also becoming more socially aware (and so are our kidlets, thank goodness!), we thought something that gives back might be a nifty idea.

Loot Bags for Life is a unique option that allows us (and our sweet birthday celebrants) to help change the world. Each loot bag has an animal on it — either one they’ve helped rescue or one they’ve helped to buy for a developing country — and each has a lesson included on the animal and can be coloured in (with the included crayons).

A portion of the purchase price of each bag goes to their partner charities, Plan Canada and the Toronto Humane Society. Loot Bags For Life delivers unique Loot Bags to us busy, conscientious parents, educates children and pays it forward.

Now, that’s what we call a win-win-WIN situation.

Loot Bags For Life
1-855-4-LOOTBAGS (1-855-456-6822)
90 Sumach Street
Unit 718
Toronto, Ontario
M5A 4R4

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