We’re gearing up for a bit of down-time around here over the holidays and looking forward to spending some time with our families. Our Editor-in-Chief, Jennifer Hamilton thought she’d share a simple sweet recipe along with her (very public) letter to Santa:
Dear Santa (you big, strong, handsome man, you) ?
First of all, take a load off those boots and have some cognac (its Courvoisier VSOP so trust me, you don’t want to leave it). I’m not concerned that you are drinking and driving, since we all know that your totally awesome reindeer took that job out of your hands long ago. There are sweets for you too, my homemade peppermint bark and some shortbread cookies. My dear son also left out some nuts and popcorn for the reindeer.
OK, now that you’re relaxed, read on.
I am aware that my adorable and extremely well-behaved child left you quite the laundry list of items he is hoping you will bring him this year. Feel free to nix the mammoth Lego Death Star and the mini iPad. Also, I did manage to score him the Millenium Falcon Lego set, so please don’t leave him one of those. He’ll be pleased as punch with anything you get him, so don’t go overboard, he already has more than enough.
On that note, feel free to take at least half of his intended gifts to kids whose parents might not have enough for their children. He understands about people who need things more than he does and he’ll be happy to hear that he helped out. It will be a present for him.
And. Well. Um. I don’t know how to say this, but there is something I really want, Santa. I’ve been a pretty good girl this year (what with being an amazing mom and all), so I think I deserve it, and I’m really hoping you agree.
Could you wrangle me some free time? I know, it’s asking a lot, but I’d literally kill for even a few hours to myself this year (and next year, and the year after that). The last few years have been pretty much filled-to-the-brim with work and motherhood. Not that I don’t love both, but a small part of me just needs some time off, so if you could find that in your bag, I’d really appreciate it.
Anyway, merry, merry, happy, happy, joy, joy. Have an excellent night, and a wonderful New Year (what do you and the Mrs. do on New Year’s Eve, anyway?).
Take care,
xoxo, Jennifer
PS: Take home a few treats for Mrs. Claus…she deserves them for putting up with your crazy work schedule!
Chocolate-Peppermint Bark Recipe
1 lb. chopped bittersweet chocolate
½ tsp. peppermint extract
1 lb. chopped white chocolate
¾ cup chopped candy canes
1. Line an 11” x 17” baking sheet with parchment and set aside.
2. Melt bittersweet chocolate in the top of a double boiler and stir constantly. Add in ¼ teaspoon of peppermint extract.
3. Spread chocolate onto the prepared sheet and chill until set — about 1 hour.
4. Melt white chocolate in the top of a double boiler, stirring constantly. Stir in remaining ¼ teaspoon of mint extract, then add candy canes; stir to combine.
5. Spread the white chocolate over the chilled dark chocolate, spreading to the edge of the pan.
6. Chill until set, about four hours. Refrigerate until prior to serving, then break into pieces and serve or pack as gifts. Will keep in fridge for 5 – 6 weeks (not that it will last that long!).