Contact Details

9 Neepawa Ave., Toronto M6R 1V1

About Back Lane Studios

Back Lane Studios is a non-profit creative hub, offering photo and video workshops for all ages, as well as a venue for exhibits and events. They offer photography, stop motion and documentary filmmaking summer camps for kids aged 7 and up, as well as the Project Kids & Cameras and CityShorts programs that are offered in schools.

Cameras are supplied in the Project Kids & Cameras program, and kids learn about the cameras and composing shots and explore basic design principles.

In the Stop Motion program, students use a variety of materials–Plasticine, Lego, drawing and action figures–to create short stop-motion videos, with narration and sound. Equipment and materials supplied.

In the CityShorts program, students make short documentary films about their neighbourhood, its history, dynamic features and compelling residents.


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