Contact Details

Carleton University, 1125 Colonel By Drive, 3010MC, Ottawa ON K1S 5B6

About Virtual Ventures

Virtual Ventures is a not-for-profit organization run under the Faculty of Engineering and Design at Carleton University. Virtual Ventures offers nationally recognized technology and engineering programs for children and youth ages JK–Grade 12.

Programs include summer camp, fall and winter clubs, school outreach workshops, and Girls Outreach Events.


Write a Review

  • Allison

    Describing Virtual Ventures as a Summer Program is perfect. It doesn’t build on the traditional camp ideals like playing games and running around, it focuses more on sitting down in a classroom setting, asking questions, and doing more thinking and technical activities, as opposed to hands-on games.

    Some staffing choices for the 2018 and 2019 years are questionable on why they’re teaching, but others are spot-on for children.

    You should only spend the large sum to register if your kid is actually interested in learning the topic you’ve signed them up for, like animation, engineering, game design, etc. — not use this camp as a way to get the kids out of the house. If your kid wants to participate in one of these programs, it’s well-received with the few kids who actually want to be there!