Relay For Life in Downsview Park

Event Details

When the ones you love are diagnosed with or die from cancer, friends and family often want to do something to help or remember them. At the Canadian Cancer Society, we want you to know Relay For Life is your chance to do this.

Bring together a team of friends and family at this event where we celebrate survivors, honour those we’ve lost and commit to raising funds to fight all types of cancer.

Nearly 1 in 2 Canadians are expected to be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. This means half of our family and friends will hear the words “you have cancer” at some point in their lives. Funds raised through Relay For Life support Canada’s most promising cancer research and vital support services for people with cancer and their families.

Whether you are cheering on survivors, walking the track, or joining in exciting trackside activities, Relay For Life is an unforgettable experience!

Cancer changes everything. So can you. Join us and support your loved ones by registering or donating at